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Empowering the Hispanic Consumer to Achieve the American Dream

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A Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), Tricolor utilizes its AI-powered technology to serve as the gateway to 43% of the US Hispanic population, which lacks access to affordable credit.

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Differentiated Approach


Tricolor leverages its data-driven understanding to create a distinct onine customer journey initially through a retail auto model to provide access to affordable financing on a high quality, certified vehicle and expanding into adjacent strategies across a broad platform of financial services.

Financial Inclusion
Financial Inclusion

For more than a decade, Tricolor has provided access to affordable credit to tens of thousands of borrowers through its responsible lending platform, validated by its certification by the US Treasury as a CDFI and committed to "doing well by doing good”.

Technology Driven
Technology Driven

Tricolor has developed a proprietary AI-powered risk model which effectively segments the credit invisible consumer, enabling it to “score the unscoreable”, evidenced by six well-received ABS transactions.

Know our approach
US Hispanic Population

Vast, But Underserved Addressable Market

# 8

Global rank of the US Hispanic GDP


Median age of US Hispanics, or about half of the median age for US Whites

82 %

Percentage of US workforce growth rate from Hispanics since the financial crisis

7.6 X

Growth rate of US Hispanic population vs. non-Hispanics

How does this add up together?

Accelerating Financial Inclusion & The Flywheel Effect

Read the White Paper

Experienced Management

Our Executive Team is mission driven and committed to excellence in all areas.

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